Grady Britton Volunteer Grant Candidate: Impact NW

In the 11th year of Grady Britton’s annual grant, we selected two local nonprofits to receive $25,000 in-kind marketing and branding expertise and 150 volunteer hours. MESO is this year’s marketing grant winner, and Brown Hope is this year’s volunteer grant winner! Given the incredible organization we had the chance to speak with, we also want to recognize a few other candidates for this year’s grants, one of which is Impact NW

Impact NW was founded in 1966 with a mission to prevent homelessness by partnering with people as they navigate their journey to stability and opportunity. 

The nonprofit primarily focuses on individuals and families on the brink of falling into homelessness and works to stabilize them by offering services (rent, utility) and to strengthen them by offering job training, parenting support and opportunities for children.

Impact NW has six service areas that contribute to helping upwards of 25,000 people each year: early childhood and family services, youth and family services, housing and safety net services, senior services, schools uniting neighbors (SUN) community schools, and slavic community services. It’s a holistic approach to not only serve people experiencing homelessness, but also those who are on the verge. They’ve become somewhat of a pillar in Portland after so many decades of dedicated service.

To get involved with Impact NW, there are a few ways to help — from financial and essential items donations, to so many volunteer opportunities year-round. We hope you’ll spend some time learning more. 

It’s always hard not choosing more grant winners, and you can read more about our other grant candidates: Stone Soup, Equitable Giving Circle and Portland Fruit Tree Project.