The GB Grant, now in its 12th year, is aptly modeled after our beloved two-parted mascot, the Griffin. It provides deserving local nonprofits with either our wisdom ($25,000 of in-kind creative services), our strength (150 hours of volunteer time), or the powerful combination of both.
If you believe your organization could benefit from some Grady Britton firepower, please apply for one or both of the grant options below. Applications are due by May 3rd, 2023.
If you believe your organization could benefit from some Grady Britton firepower, please apply for one or both of the grant options below. Applications were due
Choose Wisdom
With Wisdom—the eagle part—you’re tapping into our brainpower and receiving $25K in-kind marketing and branding expertise.
Apply for marketingChoose Strength
With Strength—the lion part—you’re calling on our physical might and receiving 150 volunteer hours you can use over the course of an entire year.
Apply for volunteers