Forward Greens Brand

Newly featured in Packaging of the World, our new brand work for sustainable vertical farm, Forward Greens! As one of the leading packaging design blogs, Packaging of the World “aims to inspire designers from all around the world by publishing some of the most interesting and creative projects.”

Well, we’re thrilled they selected our work for this joyful brand. Forward Greens farms for the love of community, food and the planet. No pesticides, no GMOs, no nonsense — just 19 days, on average, from seed to shelf. To illustrate that, the design is vibrantly colorful. And the packaging is one of a kind.

Selected after a lengthy packaging search process to find the smallest footprint possible, something sustainable and something that offers a simpler production process, the tetrahedron is a completely different look for the produce aisle. As bagged lettuces is a crowded market, the look had to be distinctive to stand out.

See it in Packaging of the World