What legacy do you want to leave? And who do you want to affect? GB Partner and Creative Director Andy Askren writes in Portland Business Journal about the need for creative agencies to ask these questions.
For companies without that same “freedom of budget” as the big guys, they still need a way to get their stories into the world. Those small-to-medium-sized businesses are the engine of our economy. They account for nearly half the country’s employees and were responsible for about two-thirds of net new job creation from 2010 to 2017. It may be difficult to prioritize full-fledged brand development or marketing over dozens of other things they need to run, but they’re not oblivious to it. Many are often already in digital spaces, doing their best while doing everything else to keep the lights on.
Agencies have to make similar business decisions, too. When taking on what might be a smaller company or smaller budget, or even pro bono efforts, it can boil down to, financially, can we make this work?
If agencies want to, then they can often find a way. Read the full article in Portland Business Journal to learn more from Andy about why prioritizing the little guy is more important than ever, and how agencies can realistically get it done.